Family Company since 1977

Family Company since 1977

Vitroflora Laboratory is well known Polish company specialized in supplying of young plant starting material for professional horticultural production.
The family owned company established by Anna and Karol Pawlak in 1977 is managed with passion of the fourth generation involved.

Vitroflora TCL in numbers


years of horticultural experience


patented propagation technologies

1 000

satisfied customers worldwide

2 500

varieties in our genetics bank

15 mln

plants of annual production

Creativity and Innovation

Thanks to the propagation of plants by in vitro method, Vitroflora offers production of elite crops from own or entrusted plant material. Currently, our team has developed over 600 propagation technologies. Our own tissue culture bank has kept about 2 500 varieties. We are proud and well known for years of experience, technologically advanced infrastructure, specialized staff, and the creativity and innovation of our team.
This and much more determines Vitroflora as a reliable partner in horticultural business